Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Years ago, when I first started to learn about Reiki, everyone thought that I would change religion or I would be dragged to some Indian monastery; that was the impression that non-informed people had for alternative therapies and yoga, for instance. The truth is that I cannot clearly say how and why I decided to take the first degree on Reiki so that I could apply it on myself. I just knew that I wanted to get my hands on it without having any special knowledge at the time. My yoga teacher gave me just once a Reiki session which made me feel really good; I felt love, acceptance and calmness. That’s all I knew, but, as it seems, it was enough to make me want to find out more in order to apply it on myself.

After having questioned it several times - as my scientifically trained brain could not accept it as simply and uncritically – and although it took me some time,
I was finally convinced for the self-evident; that there are things that, although invisible, are actually there, while at the same time I started to see the results of the application of energy in my life,  in my daily routine and my way of thinking, in my perception of things - relations -  situations around me. So, I started to better realize who I am, what I want and what happens around me. The results were immediate:
Daily calmness and decompression
Quality sleep without any aid
Improvement of my senses, perception and creativity
More patience and mostly improvement of my behaviour towards myself
A gradually increasing daily feeling of satisfaction, driving away depression and making room for optimism – the way it should be for every human being
Enhancement of my immune system
Healing little by little of the issues that used to hurt me emotionally
Understanding, compassion and forgiveness
Relief from physical pain (migraines, post-surgical pains or period pains for instance)

This is my experience for what follows in the life of a person who receives the first level of Reiki. However, this is a completely subjective experience and every apprentice has his/her stories to share. Generally, though, I would say that Reiki changes your life. It purifies at all levels and mainly where you need it the most every time. In essence, this means that if someone suffers from serious insecurity and expresses it through any possible behaviour towards him/herself and others – meaning that this source has many strands which, over the years, have formed several layers of attitudes and experiences that define behaviour -, Reiki will heal as much as one can handle every time to lead a normal life. It is obvious, then, that we don’t have to fear anything from this therapeutic method, as it can always and solely do good (there is no case for the opposite) and protect us better than you could ever imagine.

What is Reiki
Reiki is Energy, Light, Life, Harmony. It is guided solely and fully by the Law of Love. Love for our self above all. It helps people return to the healthy situation they are coming from, as, when we are born, our destination is not to hate our self, judge it, have guilt and get sick emotionally or psychologically.

We have the power of self-therapy within us, just like when we get hurt. Our body, without us giving it any conscious order or making any effort, heals its wounds and starts the process of self-cure. It is just that, we, Westerners, by having no contact with our body, we are not aware of the marvelous abilities that the vehicle called “human” has. Reiki arouses and enhances self-therapy. The rhythm that everything mentioned in this article follows, is purely subjective, as the trip in Energy and its secrets is a personal affair and although there might be some similarities, yet, I avoid referring to what one is supposed to be expecting to see or feel, as this can only cause distress and false hopes. We are not all simultaneously ready for everything. It is a personal, grand affair, your personal trip. At Reiki, everything takes your own rhythm of evolution and nobody can alter this.

What is the difference between a therapist giving me Reiki and me practicing it on myself?
It is very important to choose a therapist who inspires you trust and who will guide you in the most appropriate and responsible way. Trust is inspired, just like that. You will just know it when you meet the therapist who suits you. I would say that a conversation always helps those who need to be sure through the path of logic and not just of “instinct”. What will make you trust your energy to someone else is not to be explained with words. You just feel it. It is the same with the feeling of love; you just fall in love.

When someone expresses the desire to learn the process of self-therapy, then, as we say in our language, “he/she gets initiated in Reiki”. Practically speaking, this means that a seminar is being realized – the duration of which is being defined by the teacher/therapist – throughout which someone learns all the necessary details to be in the position to start and continue practicing Reiki on him/herself. In this seminar, a process takes place through which the teacher/therapist opens the energy centers of the person under therapy, so that energy can eventually flow through him/her. At Reiki we are a channel of energy, we don’t hand over our energy in order to heal. Getting a “level” is highly recommendable for people who suffer from serious illnesses as they can practice it on themselves anywhere and anytime they need it. In all other cases, there is no right or wrong. As I have already said, it is a personal journey.

What Reiki cannot do
-      It will not bring you immediate “illumination”, you will not be flying on a magic carpet and you will not believe that you are Messiah by helping on someone’s therapy. Quitting the Ego. It needs serious work and will on our behalf to follow the road of Illumination.
-      It doesn’t make you a special human being. If you want to boost your Ego, that’s your problem.
-      It doesn’t direct any negative energy.
-      It doesn’t release you from the responsibility of taking the advice of a doctor – either a homeopathy practitioner or general practitioner. No therapist should suggest that you shouldn’t respect yourself by getting examined according to the latest medical technologies. It doesn’t mean that you will start living like a primitive, denying to get operated or visit a doctor. The day when western medicine will join hands with the holistic therapy of soul-body-spirit-emotion is not far away. These two can help each other in a marvelous way.

Reiki doesn’t have any dangers or contra-indications. Also, there are no teachers. I am saying this in the sense that nobody should be boosting his/her spiritual Ego; we are all ONE and we return to the WHOLE and UNITY. The teacher ought to guide you in the best possible way with responsibility and love. The teacher is also a person in the process of evolution, who is obviously, though, in a different and naturally prior evolutionary course.

Reiki is an absolutely natural way of therapy. That’s why it needs its time. The therapist will not prescribe medication, since Reiki goes to the source of illness and treats it. It just needs its time, depending of course on the problem (usually problems) that each one of us faces.

Reiki is Luck. I can imagine how this sounds, especially in our times, and I don’t want to play with anyone’s pain or needs. I believe it is Luck because the moment that someone starts becoming better, he/she finds his/her way, doesn’t focus on the things that our consumerist society ruthlessly reminds him/her that he/she lacks, has positive energy more often and therefore attracts more positive things in life – according to the Laws of Universe (which I am still learning). Every time you have a therapy, you are a step further away from disharmony and illness. Many people who take Reiki and happen to read this article might deny it, maybe because they are going through a period of difficulties and “bad luck”. What I have to say to all is to be patient and try not to focus on the short-term, as the time will come when you will look back and upon making your assessment, you will realize that this period was just a step towards something better. Besides, it is not possible to take the next step if we don’t clear the previous ones. A room that has been shut for a long time needs dusting and cleaning before placing the nice fabrics on the furniture that is now dirty and full of dust. That’s how I perceive the periods when we are having a tough time and we don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel. Keep calm and patient. Everything is the way it should be.

Reiki is suitable for everyone; there isn’t any kind of discrimination as we are talking about Light and Love. It is suitable for pregnant women, for children, for people who are sick with serious health problems or who have recently been operated, for those who need detoxification, for pets, for the plants surrounding us, for our food. Incredible, isn’t it? Indeed, but, this is what Reiki is all about. Many of us find it hard or deny believing in anything that is not explained through laws or math and that is not widely accepted. But, if you think of the number of things in our life that we have no idea of how they work, have no personal knowledge or experience of them, and still we have accepted and embraced them, then it is clear how much we have strayed from what we call our centre, the Source of Life. At this point, I could simply remind you that everything is Energy; everything transmits and receives Energy.

Some clarifications regarding the therapy. Reiki is not physical exercise or massage. The therapist may, or may not, touch you while you most probably feel some warmth and you have a nice, sweet sensation. Therapy takes place only after the person who will be receiving it gives his/her consent. Nobody can give you Reiki without your permission, so there is no need to worry that you will be manipulated or that you will be forced to do something you don't want to. The therapist can interfere only at the point you allow energy-wise and to the extent that your Higher Self permits. So, there is no violation of your personal life. During the session, the person under therapy keeps his/her clothes on and the intimate parts of his/her body are not in any way touched. The person under therapy is lying on his/her back or his/her stomach unless either is not feasible due to particular circumstances (i.e. pregnancy or illness).

Over the years many situations in my life have cleared up at all levels. Today, I am a different person; I feel happy and grateful. All this happened because I expressed to myself my intention to heal. This became my priority. When someone expresses his/her intention for therapy, I believe that it all follows and constitutes an absolutely natural process; we just need to be patient.

Finally, I would like to note that Reiki doesn’t form part of any organized religion, is not a religion, is not a political party, does not proselytize and does not require by anyone to get isolated in some monastery. You are who you are in terms of your beliefs and you will continue to be. Love and Therapy constitute the panhuman and irremovable right of everyone. Some lyrics come to my mind at this point and that’s how I will conclude: “Love will set you free”. And, in fact, that’s the way it is.

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