Thursday, December 31, 2009

Hope out of ashes

By taking a walk in the neighborhoods of Athens, there are several things that one can readily notice about people:
1/ sorrow on their faces
2/ a tendency for show-off
4/ a weak human core
5/ the sport of complaining about everything
7/ criticism

I am thinking that I am not going to react superficially, I won’t start judging, but instead, I will go deeper; and what do I see? I see how lonely and desolate, how desperate for love and attention the individual of today is; and all this embellished with the excuse “there is the crisis going on”! Is the crisis to blame in reality? Or does it dominate our mind and the way we perceive things?

I am addressing you who has money and doesn’t know what to do with it, or you who is trapped in a marriage, or you who must carry the burden of choosing (not always consciously) a job that doesn’t please you, but still, you will spend your life doing it…Isn’t it about high time you decided to move energy around by changing whatever it is that doesn’t make you happy?

I am addressing you who can easily spend money on unnecessary shopping, on habits that fortify your ego and your loneliness, while, at the same time, you criticize and consider everyone as inferior. Isn’t it about high time you put as a priority to discover yourself, to find out what true happiness is for you and realize what it is that you can and you cannot do? In other words, to accept yourself.  

I am addressing you, aged between 20 and 30 years old, who can still make choices with less pain and cost, as compared to those older than you. Isn’t it about high time you quit this “rebellious” meaningless stance? Instead of smashing things, how about helping in reconstructing? Instead of getting angry, how about learning about the virtue of forgiveness and understanding? And also, instead of spending your parents’ money and pretending that the social process doesn’t concern you, how about using all this wonderful energy of yours in order to improve yourself and the society you live in?

How is it possible that the most important thing is to constantly fix “appearances”? Shopping, gym, socializing, going out, beauty; I understand that all these can offer pleasure and satisfaction. We derive happiness when we attract the interest of the opposite sex thanks to our seductive body and our lifestyle. Why can’t people see though that all these things at the end of the day make them feel incompetent, shallow and stressed out regarding their appearances and capabilities? Let’s show off and show off more, let’s take and take more…Who starts the day by saying “how will I do the best I can for myself today, for my fellow human being, for my employees, for the company I am working for, for my family, for the environment, for my country?”

Throughout the above, one can also identify some of the causes that led us to these “amazing” societies of today where we live in: the quest for happiness through external factors was our reality, a reality that thankfully seems to fade out! That explains why we feel like losing the ground under our feet.

The crisis is not entirely financial. To a great extent it is related to our individuality and a profound search of who we are. The ones who will be faced with serious transformations very soon are weak people, those suffering from serious addictions and an internal void, guided solely by their sensations, their Ego and material stuff. On the contrary, the crisis has not upset the foundations of those who always had as a priority to discover themselves.

An individual playing the role of the victim, the miserable or the whiner, for instance, was like that even before the crisis and will continue to be even if someone miraculously resolved all his/her issues. A person who smiles at a passer-by will do so, regardless of whether he/she has money in the pockets or has a reason or not to do it.
In fact, bliss is a way of living!

My view about what happiness is all about and the keys to opening up all the doors in my life are as follows:
Learn who I am and love myself
Flow in life and take it just the way it is revealed to me every day

(Having said that, if you read between the lines you will realize that there are many more notions hidden here)

Let’s try on a daily basis to see the Good side of people.
Let’s try on a daily basis to improve ourselves by stepping out from our Ego and our individuality – uniqueness
Let’s try on a daily basis to make only positive thoughts and projections for ourselves
Let’s see who we are by examining our choices up to now, by looking at our friends and our family in the eyes and by undertaking finally our share of responsibility, in all respects!

I firmly believe in people…
I see the good aspect underneath the surface that you insist on projecting. I can see the pain and loneliness that you don’t even want to face and I feel compassion in my heart…The burden that each one of us is carrying is different, but, deep down we are all looking for love.
Let’s tune in to the New Era that is rising; it has arrived; have no doubt about this. It is just its manifestation to the real world that is being delayed.
Do not believe that the image that you are projecting is enough to be happy; it’s a pity…

On the contrary, let the glorious being that you have inside you come out on the surface and get to know it…this is who you are and along with this glorious being-yourself, that is -  you will lead your life…and I admire you and respect you for all that.

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