Thursday, December 3, 2009

Detox - an unknown word to most people. A short, but, comprehensive study

If someone were to ask me, whether I am toxicated or not, I would definitely reply that I am not, as, in my opinion, I lead a healthy life. “Me? There is no way I am toxicated!”

Here is a short test in order to discover how toxicated your body is:

  1. Have you found the diet that suits your body? And I am not referring exclusively to overweight people. How much meat do you eat and of what kind?
  2. Are you doing what you were meant to be doing in this life? Are you practicing daily the job that makes you happy? Are you married to the person that makes you happy?
  3. Do you consume alcohol? Do you smoke? Are you a drug user? To what extent and how often?
  4. What kind of products are you using on your body? Include body lotions, cosmetics, perfumes, antiperspirants, shampoos etc
  5. Do parts of your body happen to smell? For instance, your armpits, your genitals, your soles, your breath, your sweat to name a few.
  6. How often are you in direct contact with nature?
  7. How often do you take a Turkish bath/sauna in order to release toxins?
  8. How many negative thoughts/thoughts of fear and pessimism are you having within an hour? (not to mention within a day)
  9. Do you suffer from unresolved personal issues that have hurt you in the past and that you have still not handled effectively?
  10. Forgiveness, compassion and love - to what extent do they apply in your life?
  11. How stressful is your life?
  12. How many times have you tried to somehow detox an organ of your body (i.e. your liver, your large intestine)? Have you attempted to detox your speech (silence), your diet (i.e. fasting), your daily routine (i.e. in a monastery)? When was the last time you allowed yourself to ease thoughts off and rest peacefully in silence, in Nothingness, appreciating every moment?
  13. Do you suffer from pimples, psoriasis, eczemas in several parts of your body that come and go or never go unless you use some ointment? Are there any parts in your body that are “sticky” or smell or produce dark spots or dirt when scrubbing them?
  14. Do you suffer from constipation, windiness?
  15. Do you happen to have, every now and then, a metallic taste when you touch yourself in certain parts?
  16. Do you have edema, blocked sinuses, allergies?
  17. Do you feel pain at your lower back, your psoas, your knees, your nape, your shoulders? Toxicity is not the default answer in this case, but, it certainly plays a role.
  18. Do you have obsessions? Throughout the day, how often do you get angry, judgmental etc?
  19. Do you exercise?
  20. Do you suffer from diseases in your urinary or gastric system?

I won’t be giving any answer to the above questionnaire, as it is evident that everything that I have written is related to human toxicity. One can also notice that it is highly improbable not to be toxicated in the least. The truth is that this is a clearing process that lasts throughout our life, so we should better go about it before it gets us.

I would also like to stress that toxicity in our body inevitably leads to toxicity in our behaviour and eventually in our life, as everything is a cycle – as we know by now – and therefore our body in an attempt to maintain its equilibrium, it applies ways that do not necessarily make us happy. For instance, some overweight people find it impossible to lose weight although they follow a proper diet…apart from the sentimental stress (that is often the reason), our body in an attempt to respond to the toxins we have released (as of the test above), it generates fat in order to “enclose and isolate” the toxin gathered in certain parts of the body.

In Greece, we are still a bit behind in realizing toxicity issues (of all forms on us).

Therapeutic Thai massage involves an entire study and work related to detox of the body. It is easy for a therapist to realize what is going on and take appropriate action. There are also specialty centres and therapists who help people proceed with detox of the body, partly or in total. Finally, it is advisable to regularly detox our mind and body by meditating, studying under the guidance of teachers, dedicating time to our self, engaging with nature, exercising and applying everything mentioned on the test above.

Detoxing our mind – our speech – our body – our actions.

The choice is yours every single moment.

To be continued….

Additional detox tips:
-          Fruit and vegetables, such as beetroots, apples, carrots, limes
-          Specialty soaps for detox and lymph activation, like those made of carbon or bamboo
-          Crystals, like zeolite and citrin  Body lotions with crystal tinctures, essential oils (non-commercial)
-     Kombucha tea
-          Herbs, such as chicory, green tea, nettle, taraxako, cascara
-          Hot water with lemon (in the morning)

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