Sunday, December 20, 2009

Peace of mind

10 –odd solutions in order to focus our attention “elsewhere”

Have you ever noticed how obsessed we can get with some things, ideas, people or situations? How many times we try to think of something else, but, we cannot make it? You will be surprised when you count in one day how many times you reproduce the same thought-obsession.

Unfortunately, we place a lot of energy on something that we don’t even like, on thinking over and over the very same issue. So, I tried to think what is it that I do when this happens to me and I decided to accumulate all the “help” tips in one article.

Take a walk or even better go to nature (to the garden, to a park etc – or do something related to the soil).

Do some work; get busy; work on something that you really like. This way you are filled with inspiration, you get rid of tension and you revisit (if necessary) the issue that is on your mind through a new perspective.

Read something that you like. In other words, let your mind take a journey.

“Lord will provide”: this important statement works for me and has nothing to do with religion. I am always referring to the divine power in which everyone believes; personally I believe in the Miracle of Life. I trust Tomorrow and allow myself to be part of the Flow. It is a huge relief when you realize that you cannot control everything, you cannot arrange everything. There are many unforeseen parameters affecting one situation and everything is possible as long as you believe it and we let things happen.

Meditation. You feel that you find your centre again, that you return to your core. If you don’t know much about it or you feel that it is not for you, you can simply stay with yourself for a short while and take a few deep breaths; they oxygenize your brain and offer vitality.

Picture yourself in a desirable state in the near future and try to see how the issue that troubles you today will look then. Usually, it doesn’t look so serious as compared to today (as we are fond of the drama aspect). This is also a positive projection about the future. One way or another, this exercise is good for us as it allows us to envision how we would like us to be.

“Everything flows”
No matter how much someone or something upsets you, tomorrow is a brand new day and nothing will be the same.

Detach yourself from the problem and you will find out that life goes on. This is just fascinating. When I decide to get out of my “microcosm”, I realize that I can go on with the rest of my life happily. If something doesn’t go well or doesn’t have the desired outcome till now, this doesn’t mean that the rest of my life sucks. As this way, I seriously call off my self-value and restrain the inflow of positive things.

It’s all a matter of perspective

In other words, start doing different things or trying new techniques or approaches or methods, as it is not possible to expect different results by acting in the same way or by having the same behaviour-reaction every time. Is it likely that the issue lies with us and the problems in our life are simply a repetitive pattern? I see it as a play with the same script every time and just different protagonists. The protagonists are the people who cause “problems” to me, while the script is the way I react. I am the director of my life and I choose to change the play. And this is where the expression “think out of the box” really fits.

Take responsibility and carry on.
Learn your lesson and move forward.

Absolute, unconditional Love and Trust to our self. You will find the solution as long as you feel that you can do so. And you will. As simple as that.

(Note that to “feel” comes from the centre of the heart and not from the mind).

Let the situation comes its full circle.
The more someone pushes him/her self towards one direction, the more difficult it gets to go that way. The reason behind this is that in reality we bolster up our energy with the non-desirable result and we feed the obsession, this feeling of “clinging”. Let’s drive then our energy to other things happening that are not so painful for us.

And there are times when I must accept the issue that preoccupies me just the way it is (at least for now or/and…even in the future). Have you ever thought that maybe it’s not the time for it to happen or change? It is all about timing. Only when a situation is ready to happen, it gets the value it deserves and becomes unique. If it happens or is resolved earlier on, it is as if picking a fruit that is still not ripe (nature has a lot of examples to offer that resemble slices of life; all it takes is to observe it). It is just that throughout our rapid lifestyle, we want everything to have happened…yesterday (that’s why though sometimes the end result has no value whatsoever and doesn’t offer the least of pleasure for having reached the goal; on the contrary, the mind is lurking to indicate the next issue to be resolved). Maybe I should learn to accept something that cannot change, as we all know that there are situations that cannot be altered. I am not in favour of passivity, but, of the virtue of patience and distinction.

Personally, I find it very important to empty my mind from time to time, when it insists in reminding me daily that I must find a solution or understand something that doesn’t change. In this case, I try to apply one of the above or even all, and, then the solution arises by itself, as the Mind rests and leaves room for inspiration, intuition or its own ability to find something new and let me know. Even our mighty brain sometimes gets constrained and it seems as hitting its head against the brick walls of a room over and over again until it finds its way out from the room-situation. Let’s allow our brain to breathe…

I am sure there are other ideas too, so, as far as this topic goes it remains open to discussion; I would be happy to find out about your ways of offering “peace to your Mind”.

To be continued…

Light, Love, Gratitude

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