Monday, December 21, 2009

Colouring in positive shades the energy in our relationships and our goals

The type of relationships I want to have in my life depends on the quality of energy I feed them with. The truth is that in whichever direction I turn my energy towards, that’s where I will head. I have read somewhere that wherever you want to go is where you should be looking at, otherwise you will just keep wandering…let me add at this point that of crucial importance is also the way you follow in order to get there.

Do you think that the events in our life are accidental? And if so, to which extent? Where does our responsibility begin? Is it our free will or the fact that we are simply “either lucky or unlucky” that plays the most important role?

During our life there have been times that we wanted a job, but, didn’t get it, some people treated us unfairly, our efforts have not been recognized or we have attracted the wrong people.

Have you ever wondered, what would you do differently if you had the chance to give it one more shot? I have. And to tell you the truth I wouldn’t change a thing, as everything constitutes a precious lesson and guidance in our life and everything is necessary in order for us to learn. Still, if I were to change something, then, I would change my own position. I would make it more genuine and sound, instill it with confidence and in other words, I would colour it in all positive shades. This is what led me to today’s article.

Let’s see an example in order to understand how it works to face life in a positive attitude, all smiling:

I am trying to get a new job, but, I am very anxious as I am not exactly confident that I will make it. Filling my energy with this quality (of fear), leads the other person opposite me - without exactly knowing why he/she feels that way – to treat me in the same energy that he/she receives from me. This means that this person will respond with the same feeling of fear, as I don’t inspire him/her with confidence.

The Universal Law of Attraction helps us better understand this, as it reminds us of how we attract energy equivalent to ours. In other words, what you give is what you get. A common example that we have all experienced is Murphy’s Law of Attraction. When we are in a hurry to get somewhere and we are already late, this is when everything goes wrong and we are even more delayed. Doesn’t it seem strange to you to you, that some people who have a very timid personality and in general they don’t assert whatever they want, they tend to attract, from time to time, people that cause them fear? The book of James Redfield «THE CELESTINE PROPHECY: AN ADVENTURE» refers extensively to this type of relationships.

It is important not to be influenced by our internal and external voices that fill us with fears, insecurities, questions, disdain, self-pity and keep our energy “low”. It is very safe and practical not to get active. Our self doesn’t want us to be hurt and is doing its best to keep us safe. Therefore, it will prevent us from pursuing a new job in order not to take a risk especially “in these times we live”, it will bring the wrong people on our way in order to prove once again “how well I am doing on my own, I don’t need anyone” (therefore: I fill my heart with even more fears, I block myself) and many more. At the same time, our intimate people in their effort to protect us, they also fill us with question marks. Yes, indeed, they don’t want to see us get hurt, but, nobody, literally nobody, knows what our heart deeply desires, what we need, what we dream off when we go to bed, and eventually what is the lesson that we need in order for us to evolve in our life. Lessons are good. But, we prefer to avoid pain and we don’t realize their importance.

So, we all get stuck in habits and relationships that only eat us up, do not make us happy in essence, but just superficially, and do not feed us spiritually. We remain passive observers and the patterns in our life are constantly repeated.

No one obliges us to cut the relationship threads with the people in our life, no one suggests that we all quit our jobs and travel in the unknown. Apart from these aspects in our life, that need “cleaning” and where we can all experience losses, for the remaining aspects the only thing necessary is renewal. Therefore, if we focus in positive things and the positive characteristics of people around us and we fill our life with livelihood and positivity, we will able to renew our relationships with others or obtain whatever makes us happy. And at this point we go back to the always relevant and living fact that all changes at all levels begin from us. We shouldn’t expect the other person to change in order to see a difference. By changing our microcosm ourselves, we will start experiencing changes all around us. When the energy of even one person changes, then, automatically the interaction between the two changes too. There is no other way.

Here is another example regarding the relationship between partners: When we fear that no one is worth a bit or this one or that one will hurt us, then, we will attract the equivalent person that will offer us freely what we have asked for. Yes, I understand that we have not asked for it, that we are afraid of it; unfortunately it is the same thing. Since we direct our energy that way and we colour the quality of our relationship with these shades, it is as if we have asked for it. We must love Our Self and believe that we deserve the best. We must show Trust. Be and remain Positive regardless of the things happening in our life. It is all lessons, it is all challenges.

Our Higher Self does its best in order to bring our way all the challenges that we need in order to learn our lesson and evolve. One way or another. The voyage is personal and specific to every person.

 We should strive to make the following part of our daily routine/practice: keeping our intention clear, bright and positive, colouring our relationships with others in healthy and positive shades and projecting a harmonious future in our Life.

Where and in which way we will channel our energy, is eventually what makes the whole difference in the world.

One clarification at this point: the “spiritual” aspect doesn’t imply that we need to get isolated in monasteries, deny all the worldly stuff and other similar actions. Spirituality can come equally from a walk in nature, a good book, sharing among friends and energy therapies. This is the way we feed ourselves both energy and spirit-wise.

Light, Love, Gratitude

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